Wednesday, October 10

What Time Is It Really?

   Time Perception, or an individual's subjective experience of the passage of time, seems to be quite malleable. Each individuals experience can vary and often differs significantly. In psychology, cognitive linguistics, and neuroscience Time Perception is measured by the individuals own experience of the duration of passing events. So, therefore, your' experience of time relies solely on the sum of your' perceptions.

  Your' body is constantly sending stimuli to your' brain through your' five, and possibly more, senses. All of this information stirs together, with your' thoughts, and emotions to create the soup that is your' perception of time. Everyone's soup tastes different. It is a different temperature and your' spices are different than mine. This is a very interesting factor, in which will be important to remember for future postings.

  So we understand, even in the court of law. While personal testimony may be very revealing for paramount information. A, credible, chronological record of events is, almost, impossible to reincarnate, from an individual's memory of their Time Perception. Time is tricky, much like quantum physics. So how can we be so accurate in the measurement of time? The truth is, there have been many methods of time measurement and we construct our specific method, based on our specific needs. So of course it will seem accurate to the experiencer. As an observer, though, you begin to see linear time for what it is. A man made tool.

  Although time can be tricky and seem to be almost fluid. We have much success constructing a time measurement system. Parallel to our sensual perception, our conscious perception is just as effective to our individual experience. However, we are all, virtually perceiving the same data from our environment. Groups of people can use conscious observations within our environment, in order to build a solid foundation for methods of time measurement. This has been true for all techniques of time measurement. We use routines and landmarks, such as the sun, moon and stars. More specifically, along with evidence of the phases of the moon, ancient civilizations, up to 30,000 years ago, recorded astronomical anomalies and constellations. The constellation Orion was found, intricately, carved into a mammoth's tusk, dating 32,500 years old.  So I believe that it's safe to say that it is human nature to measure and record time. It is greatly helpful in agricultural, economic and social aspects of our lives. We also measure time,in order, to record the progression of mankind.

 Humans have been measuring time for a very long time. In respects to the entirety of our existence. However, science tells us that time and measured time are two different concepts, period. As I explained above, measured time is merely a construct. As far as we know, created by man for man. So our perception of time means nothing to the rest of existence. In fact, other life forms perceive time similar to humans, yet, at the same time, they do not perceive time similar to humans at all. To explain, we are similar to other life forms, in that, we are all perceiving time through our vessels' senses.
  I will post a link to an article " Small Animals Live In Slow Motion". This Article reveals a truth, that I have often wondered since I was a child. At a very young age, small bugs and critters fascinated me. Through the constant observation and vague experimentation of ants and flies, I began to believe that they are experiencing time quite differently than me. More specifically, flies were always close to impossible to catch or swat. They seemed to either have unknown senses, or they appeared to experience me as moving in slow motion. In the article mentioned above, the author explains that we perceive time corresponding to our metabolism. So, a much smaller being experiences their environment as slower. Whereas larger beings will experience their environment as happening faster. A good example of this is in the 1998 movie "Antz". If you fast forward to a scene where the main characters are confronted with humans, you will see that the humans are moving very slow motion. Of course this is from our point of reference. However, the key factor is that our consciousness is perceiving time and reality, through our bodies.

  Tomorrow's post will go deeper into the concept of Time Perception. If linear time is questionable, then what is real time? Or is that all that time is, a perception? Are past, present and future all happening at the same time? If so, what does this mean for time travel or death?

Stay tuned for posts on the illusion of death. Also I will be revealing some very mind altering CIA documents, in which reveal amazing properties of the Universal Consciousness.

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