Thursday, November 22

Could Use Some Prayers- (Off Subject)

 Hello, thank you for stopping by. I wanted to drop in and leave this message to those of you who have been waiting and probably thought that I had given up on my message. I do apologize, I am currently getting prepared for a Child Custody Legal Proceeding. Its an unfortunate process, a very exhausting process as well as very expensive, for me. Fortunately, I am confident in myself and in what the results will be.  

My daughter, Chloe, is five years old. Her mother had hidden her pregnancy and Chloe's birth for years. Of course I eventually found out, and, finally, was able to establish Legal DNA testing. I have had the opportunity to build a very strong relationship with Chloe in the past six months along with my younger daughter Hanna. Hanna is four, and I share custody with her mother; Who lives about three hours away. Despite the distance, I have maintained a wonderful relationship with my daughter Hanna. Hanna and Chloe have a wonderful friendship as well. When given the opportunity, it's as if they are stuck together at the hip. Chloe has wonderful grandparents along with aunts, uncles and a large extended family. She's a very smart young lady, and is currently in kindergarten. While spending time together; Chloe, Hanna and myself have learned much of each other. Chloe is great at math and they both love to read. Although, neither of them can read to great just yet, they love the stories and the knowledge. Chloe is interested in ancient cultures and architecture, she loves to draw and is quite well at it, if I might add.

Needless to say, I am very proud of both of my children. These girls are my world. They are what I wake, work and live for. Chloe has temporarily been ripped out of our lives again, but this time I have the knowledge and power to make things right. This is my intentions. To ensure that Chloe is afforded a safe, stable, routine, compassionate and healthy environment. Chloe deserves to have every opportunity that is a possibility for her, as well as provided the knowledge to take full advantage of those opportunities.

 I am not one to gossip; especially when it involves someone who is not here to defend themselves. Although, I am coming from a tired, scared and fed up point of reference and the truth is the truth. So I will just say, that Chloe is definitely in an unhealthy environment. To the degree of witnessing and being subject to drug use, inappropriate sexual behavior, domestic violence and much more. I would hazard to make accusations such as this without significant evidence of these actions. That is why I do have this evidence.

I won't go into detail with the scary stuff. My intentions are to ask you, as the reader for your' patience, blessings and prayers. I will be posting again, and hopefully soon. I have much much more, mind-blowing knowledge about the  nature of our reality; And what that means for the paranormal, for the church and for the government. These are conversations we as the people must have, if we value our best interest.

I am not asking that you pray that I win the case. I am not asking you to pray that Chloe be kept from her mother. I am asking, for prayers in regards to Chloe’s best interest; And that Chloe will receive a result that is most benefitting to her. I love her with all of my heart and could use as much support as possible. Thank you I love you all and I'm sending you all good vibes; Keep us in your' hearts.