Friday, October 26

Dead Or Alive?

What do you feel when you are thinking about Death? How do your’ beliefs affect those emotions? Do you feel fear or anxiety? Are you humble at the thought of Death, due to your’ beliefs or experiences? Some have, specific, beliefs of an afterlife or ascension to a higher realm versus descension to lower realms. There are many who believe in reincarnation, whereas others believe in a perpetual darkness. Then again, there are those who, simply, don’t think about it.

We have people who claim to have had Near Death experiences; With these experiences displaying evidence of all of the above mentioned theories. Near Death  Experiencers have claimed to have witnessed Heaven, Hell, family, angels, Death incarnate, Satan, Aliens, e.t.c. Psychologists believe that your’ beliefs determine the nature of the Near Death experience. I agree that this is true. Although,  I don’t only believe that, just, our Near Death experiences are determined by our beliefs. However, our experiences in the Afterlife are also determined by our beliefs, in that, what we believe is what we “Intend” to see. Remember, we create with thought and intent. So if you intend to see your’ family, go to heaven or even feel that you deserve to go to hell. Then this is what you will create for yourself Although, I do not believe that we create is as we imagine it to be, rather, the Universal Consciousness provides us with the experiences we need to accomplish our intentions.

In regards to reincarnation, a very prominent figure in modern research is Dr. Ian Stevenson. A psychiatrist and working for the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Dr. Stevenson traveled the world for forty years. During his travels he investigated three thousand cases of children who remembered their past lives. His research and findings were, absolutely, astounding to say the least. Recording very accurate and concrete evidence that memories, physical bodily features and emotions can be carried from one life to the next. Dr. Ian Stevenson has written over three hundred papers and fourteen books on reincarnation.

As individuals we know that our day is certain to come. Our flesh will wither and decompose into the Earth. The real question is, do you, your’ consciousness decompose with your’ flesh? We could argue that we see a disintegration of consciousness with the aging of the brain, therefore our consciousness decomposes with the flesh. I argue that it is, simply, much more complex than this.

Given this example, a decaying consciousness being derivative of the aging body; Our perceptions play a paramount role in what we actually see. Coming from the point of reference of an individual, of course the mind is secondary to the body and the state of the body will determine the nature of the consciousness. However, if we know that our nature is, the state of mind creates our reality then we begin to see how our beliefs become our point of reference, creating what we experience.

 If we step out of our, individual, bodies for a moment. Into the mind of the Universal Consciousness. From here all matter and all minds are fundamentally connected; Ultimately as one web of energy. Consciousness is living through flesh and perceiving through bodily senses. All matter and consciousness is energy, each entity, every person, place or thing all vibrating at its own resonant frequency. From the eyes of The Great Spirit you can see all of this. Looking down at trillions of energetic beings. All transferring and exchanging energies through all types of interactions. Such as, conversation, thought, choices, music, dancing, sex, art, war, business, working, e.t.c. From this perception, we are these entities, we are these choices, we are the Earth, the wind, the seasons, precipitation, mathematics, we are it and it is us. So, from this perspective we can see that consciousness is us. We experience the individual experience, because we are perceiving ourselves through limited perceptions of the body. This is the only way for us to experience, in order, for us to function.

 So, coming from the perception of an individual, of course, death is the end. However, as the Universal Consciousness, we see that Death is, merely, a change in energetic form. As Einstein stated, “Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be manipulated or changed into another form of energy.” Therefore the flesh is not destroyed, it is manipulated into another form of energy. This is my theory of consciousness as well. Just as your’ flesh is consumed by the Earth, your’ consciousness is consumed, back into the Universal Consciousness. Thus, it is not perpetual darkness, it is perpetual life, experience and consciousness.   

 However, I believe that there are multiple levels of consciousness or other dimensions, in which we are concurrently functioning on. I feel that the spark of consciousness inside of our bodies is actually a part of a larger spark, in which is part of an even larger spark and so on. So we each have a higher self, whereas, our life experiences are uploaded, and our consciousness is currently streaming from. It is possible that this Higher Self is living multiple lives simultaneously. So you are actually always alive and always going through the process of life and death. I believe that the energy that you create through your’ lifetimes’ choices, thoughts and intentions will develop the nature of the experiences that your’ higher self will have. However, I do not believe that this means we can go to a “Hell” just from one lifetime of choices. I believe that all experience is state of consciousness or state of mind. So, we can create a Hell-like life or experience if we intend to do that. We can even make our own lives a living Hell here on Earth, if this is what we intend. But I do not believe that Hell is a place we can go for making negative choices. It is a state of consciousness. Also, I believe that Hell is a concept or idea. Negative Energy that has been created by Human Logic. Consequently, it only exists within our minds.

So is there life after death for you? I would say No and yes. Is there a Heaven and a Hell? Well, no, and yes. Do we Die? Yes but no. It is all so real, yet an illusion. To me this sounds more likely than a judgement. You are always judging yourself and always sentencing yourself at every moment. Ultimately, I believe, we are an eternal moment, changing our minds from time to time.

 Tell me how you feel below. I am interested in hearing your’ thoughts and opinions. I do not feel that my theories are the inevitable answer to the questions of life. It is merely speculations through the lens of my own perspective. My perspective being the accumulation of my own experience, knowledge, thoughts and intentions. Now I understand being the first to spark such a controversial conversation, may feel a little awkward and intimidating. However, we must realize; No matter how uncomfortable this conversation may make us. We must be willing to open our minds to other perspectives, in-order, to connect with each other and understand ourselves as a whole. Please join the conversation. Sending you all Love and Light. Keep your’ eyes on the sky!!

Saturday, October 20

"Great Spirit"

Before the arrival of Columbus to the New World in 1492. It is estimated that up to fifteen million indigenous people occupied the lands of North America and Canada. A vast land of abundance, in resources, wildlife and communities of Native families. Oral stories of the natives goes back thousands of years, accurately, describing events, such as, the Cascadia earthquake of 1700. Thousands of years of communities living in harmony with the land. Thousands of years of families passing down their oral stories, their knowledge, wisdom, spirituality as well as their love to their children and future.

By the end of the Indian Wars in the late 19th century, approximately 238,000 indigenous people remained. A devastating decline, from the millions that called this land home. In less than five hundred years an entire civilization, decimated; Massacred by european settlers, hungry for Indian land. The reasoning for these massacres is multi-layered. The land’s vast resources being an obvious motivator, many of these settlers were also barred from obtaining land in Europe. Even more so, the Indigenous peoples were just too different from white man’s ways. Their world views and spiritual beliefs were beyond most white mens comprehension; On top of their dark skin.

 Along with the massacre of their people. Native American spirituality, tradition and oral legend has been threatened. Upon the seizure of their lands and prosecution of their un-christian ways; Natives were, ultimately, forced to convert to christianity. Of course this did not happen overnight. Being forced into reservations, they were surrounded by settlers and white man’s ways.

 There are many fronts on Native’s conversion to christianity. One that stands out was the conversion of Chief Mononcue of the Ohio, Wendat Nation. Chief Wendatt was not easily converted; Over time, much like the Indian way, Chief Mononcue found the middle way. He addressed a group of white Methodists in the 1820’s, pointing out that the Great Spirit teaches both, the Natives and the white man the same thing. Both taught to do good; Natives through his spirit and white men through the “Bible”. Mononcue tells the people that white man says he loves the tribes but he gives them whiskey. This causes evil, he says, that white man cheats the Indians and treats them as if they are less than white man. He said to the gathered crowd "Now, your Good Book forbids all this. Why not then, do what it tells you? Then Indians would do right too….Now, brothers, let us all do right; Then our Great Father will be pleased and make us happy in this world, and after death we shall all live together in his house above and always be happy”.(“Star Songs and Water Spirits”.) Chief Mononcue exploited the similarities of the two beliefs. He became a licensed Methodist missionary and as many missionaries after him, he used these similarities to convert Natives to christianity.

 Due to such loss and decimation of the culture, as well as their conversion to Christianity; It is difficult to grasp the exact, spiritual, perceptions the Natives possessed. But through surviving, oral legends we find that their spiritual principles fundamentally expressed a “Great Spirit”. Each, believing in a spiritual force that flows through everything. The Sioux refers to this being as Wakan Tanka; This can mean the Creator or Great Mystery. This term does not, always, refer to one entity, it can also mean many spiritual beings collectively. Algonquian tribes call the Great Spirit “Gitchi Manitou”. Gitchi Manitou can mean “Creator of all things” or “Giver of Life”. Similar to Taoist concept of qi (Chi); As a mystical term, Manitou can mean an aspect of the balance of nature. The Cherokee named this entity “Ouga”, which literally means creator, whereas, the First Nation Tribes simply called it “the Creator”.

As I stated above, each of these tribes believed that the Great Spirit represented itself as many spiritual deities. An example of some of these names are “Above Old Man”, “Spider of Heaven”, “Sky Chief”. Being represented as masculine and feminine. Each tribe having their own legends of interaction with the Great Spirit. I believe that the Great Spirit is all of these deities and they are the Great Spirit. I believe that these Native’s had a very natural, spiritual relationship with the Universal Consciousness; And the Universal Consciousness or “Great Spirit” can represent itself in any manner necessary for it’s intentions.

The Natives used stories and oral legends to educate their children of the Great Spirit’s nature. An example of this would be the story of “The Strawberry and Blackberry”. The story goes something like this; The Great Spirit created man and women and they lived in happiness for a time. But as husbands and wives have done ever since, they soon began to quarrel. The wife leaves the husband and sets off walking toward "the setting sun". The Great Spirit sees that the man is unhappy and creates berries along her path; she ignores the huckleberries, cherries and blackberries along the way. Then The Great Spirit creates strawberries and the woman stops to gather some and the man is able to catch up to her, they share the strawberries and they return home together. In these legends, you will find, these stories express the nature of the Great Spirit. Every story teaches a prophetic message of their own. Stories of morality and emotion. Stories that resonate with the concepts of Karma and Qi (Chi).   

It saddens me to know that the Native American peoples’ were deprived of so much. Can you imagine if they were left alone and given an opportunity to grow. What would a community with such strong moral values and wisdom of common ground become if given a chance to prosper. As I will explore, many Indigenous civilizations had similar encounters with European, spanish and even Roman invaders. These communities shared many fundamental, spiritual, principles with Native Americans. I ask that you take a moment to reflect on these people’s lives and be conscious of the loss to our world.

Wednesday, October 17

Why Your' Religion is Right!! Have Faith.

 As a young man, I was very confused about my spirituality. I grew up in, rural, southern, Ohio. Traditionally, spiritual people from my home town are Christian or Catholic. Although, today I am beginning to see the diversity of America reaching, small-towns, such as mine. Being spiritually confused, this left me susceptible, for negative energies to enter my body. Before graduating high school, I struggled with addiction, I cursed, smoked cigarettes and much more. Upon graduation, I felt that I deserved some discipline; So I joined the Air Force as Military Police. I traveled overseas, being stationed at Ramstein Air base, Germany. I was attached to the 86th Security Forces Squadron and deployed in 2010. Being Station in Qatar, AB as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. I traveled the Middle East and some parts of North Africa, such as, Djibouti. Close to the end of my deployment; I had an intense, spiritual, event that completely changed my perspective on reality.

As a, Security Forces, Airman, our job varies. Depending on the environment or the mission. I may be working entry security, personnel security, tasked as support for another unit, whether that unit is Army, Navy or on rare occasion the Marine Corps. Needless to say, I was required to adapt quickly and my mission or environment could change at any given moment. While in Qatar, I was ordered to secure a remote post. Qatar, is generally a non-hostile environment, and I was tasked to assume the post alone. I realized, quickly, that the post was a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility). So, Immediately, as I assumed my  post, I inspected the shack, in which, had a window, a sign in sheet, a shelf, chair and a pen. It was night and the shift lasted approximately 12 hours. As the night went on, the sky was very clear. I could see for miles around me, with nothing in sight. I never witnessed anyone come in as the night passed. I know this, because there is a sign in sheet. Oddly, though, there was not a sign out sheet. I did witness a few men leave the facility. Even more strange the men did not leave in a vehicle. They began walking and continued into the darkness. I witnessed one vehicle present at the time. A white ford ranger, I believe.

 The sun began to rise. I remember being in awe, as I watched a beautiful sun rise. Standing and glaring into the sun, a man placed his hand on my shoulder, from behind. Very, unlikely, I was not startled; Given, that just the day before a man had attempted to run the gate before he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the center of a roundabout, with an explosion of car pieces. This was at a completely different post, but these thngs make you tense. This man’s presence was very surreal but loving. He was just a man, about in his seventies. He had white hair and he was caucasian. He wore a navy blue jacket and pants; With a maroon shirt and black shoes. Although, I had been very familiar with many accents and languages. He spoke, english, with an accent I can hardly describe. He spoke clearly, but it also seemed gibberish, I know. Try to peg that one as a reader. I wish I could elaborate on that. I digress, this man took me by surprise with what he said. He said my name. My first name, and told me how wonderful it was to have this opportunity to see me again. I was confused. He went on, to explain. That our souls know each other, very well. As he told me this, I got a, strong, feeling of familiarization. He said to me that we were brothers, father and son, friends, cousins, even husband and wife at one time. As he explains this to me, I feel an overwhelming feeling of remembrance. I didn’t have physical memories of my past lives. However, I could remember being soul after death. I could also feel strong emotions from my past lives, in which came with a powerful sensation of nostalgia. It made me miss these feelings, as if, these feeling were a time and place or a person. I was so overwhelmed, in fact, that I began to cry. But not hysterically, I was almost in a trance as this man reminded me of who I am. As he was talking, two, Army, officers were approaching the gate. The man said, “what a pleasure to have gotten this chance.” He looked into the shack and told me, “call your’ family.” I thought, “I wish.” He then, so persistently, turned around and walked back to the entrance of the building. The officers, asked “What, we don’t salute at this post?” I immediately snapped to, apologized and signed them in. I walked back to the shack, as I approached, I noticed something odd on the shelf. It was a phone, a landline. This may not have been entirely odd, if I was briefed that a landline was a primary source of communication. But I was not, and the phone was not in the shack when I assumed my post. I immediately knew that I could not call home without dialing a specific number first. I then lifted the handset to find that specific number, written, above the dial pad. I finally convinced myself that I was crazy.

This day has never left my memory; I have told myself the facts so many times that I know these are the facts. However, it was very hard to believe until I began studying religions that support the idea of reincarnation. Only to find, that even, some, ancient christians believed in this phenomena. This day changed my life, because it prompted me to begin looking for answers, as to who I am. So I began with ancient cultures and religions and then studied more recent history and how religion has changed over thousands of years. I have looked for correlations and parallels. But I am also, a very, critical thinker. I also have to be able to scientifically explain how these religions principles are possible. Understanding that we can create any religion we wish, this tells us that humans bring spirituality to religion, not the latter. So, If this is true, then I believe that we will see these correlations and parallels within these religions. Variables that can ultimately be scientifically proven, as well as, shown to be relevant to the Universal Consciousness. I will begin showing evidence of this, with the principle of balance.

I believe that a way of connecting spirituality with Science, is through the Quantum realm. Magnifying matter 100 picometers we find an atom. Studying this atom, we see that it is expressing the, natural, principle for the struggle for balance. We see this with negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons, in a constant polarization for neutrality, creating neutrons. This action; The struggle for balance, is one of the many patterns that permeate throughout the Universe.

We see the struggle for balance, expressed, within every aspect of life. Being analytical, there is a spectrum to anything. Eating too much, not having enough to eat. Working too much versus playing to much. The rich or the poor. Although, I believe that we express this, most prevalently, in the theory of good versus evil. There is a middle to every spectrum. A harmony to all facets of life. In Buddhism this principle is known as “The Middle Way”.

Balance is prevalent in many religions, each in their own respects. Hinduism teaches to balance your’ chakras. In Buddhism, we find “The Middle Way”. We have “The Doctrine of The Mean” in Confucianism, the balance between Yin and Yang in Taoism. The word “Islam” means peace, and you can relate that to harmony. In the Bible, Christianity speaks of the importance of avoiding the extremes.
 Many of these religions, also, share other philosophies, such as, reincarnation, the idea of ascension into a higher realm or the descension into a lower realm. I feel that many of these principles ring true in our reality, and religion in general is a very important practice to the survival of ManKind. More importantly, I feel that the practice of ritual and prayer are key aspects to religion.

 In religious or spiritual groups, from Catholicism to tribal religions, in North Africa and South America. In one way, or another, we find the practice of ritual and prayer. But it is not, specific rituals or a specific way of prayer, that I believe brings spiritual connection to a creator. In my opinion it is, merely, the act of ritual and prayer, and in that order. (I say, in that order, because, just as meditation or some singing will do. I believe that rituals are a way of raising our resonant vibrational frequency, bringing us closer to spirit. Once we have practiced ritual, our prayers (intentions) are more powerfully expressed to the Universe. This is why, a rain dance, can really create rainy weather.) It is us that brings spirituality to religion. Religion, much like Time Measurement, is a technology. A tool to express our spirituality. Therefore, while incredibly important; We can practice any way of religion, ritual and prayer to receive a connection to “God” or our creator.

 I do not believe that you can call yourself religious, if you are not practicing your’ specific rituals and prayers. However, I believe that you can create any rituals you wish, and pray in any way, and you will, undoubtedly, receive results. With this said, it is much more complicated but simple at the same time. When you practice ritual, with negative intentions then you are on the threshold of witchcraft. If this is your’ intentions then, so be it. Although, it is a dangerous line to cross for your’ body and your’ soul. Our intentions are the key to the nature of our connection to the Universal Consciousness. This is true in every interaction. Ultimately we have control of our individual lives. Good and Evil are a matter of perception. Your’ intentions may seem evil to me, but are benevolent to you. This does not mean that I am always in agreeance with people of all cults and religions. Although, I also do not persecute others in any form. It is not my place, given a  being of innocence or my family were not being harmed.

If you have any questions as to why I posted this article, please comment or E-Mail me at Be easy my friends, we have much more to come. Please stay tuned and share our platform to spark, some kind of, communication, come on peeps!

Monday, October 15

Fixed the Link to Short story contest

The Short story contest for $500 is only 50 words. You get promotions and networking opportunities with the 500 word contest. - 50 word - 500 word

"Ghost Witch" - (Off Subject) $500 Prize!!!

 I entered a short story contest, with the theme of horror for Halloween. It has a 500 word or less max. Here is my short story. I will post a link at the bottom if you're interested in entering yourself. The prize is $500!!!

"Ghost Witch"

Native Americans refer to her as Skuda-ku-mooch or Ghost Witch. Tales that my, great grandmother would tell, entertaining my sister, Adelynn, and I on, late, autumn nights. My great grandmother was blind from birth, yet she claimed to have seen Skudakumooch in spirit as a child.

Lore of the Skudakumooch has dwelled in my subconscious since I was a toddler. My mother never mentioned the stories. When asked, she would always give a frustrating but relieving roll of the eyes. Passing them off as imagination. But much talk of the Skudakumooch was permeating through town. You see, Skudakumooch hibernates for five hundred years after one night of possessing a being of innocence.

This year was supposedly the five hundredth year since her last awakening. It is said, that, the ghost witch enters the body of a child, only, to murder and cannibalise the family of the possessed. The witches purpose is to conduct this ritual every five hundred years, laying the groundwork for all evil spirits in the land. But it is already October, and my mind is beginning to be at ease.

In her stories my great grandmother explained that the witch had thick standing hair, embedded were twigs and dead toads. The face was scarred, with a cat-like nose and pearl-white eyes. A smell of burning flesh would fumigate the room. She never showed emotion, only whispered something softly, with a frying voice, into my grandmothers ear. My grandmother would never repeat what the witch had whispered. She seemed, creeped at the thought. Eager to know, my sister and I would beg, only to lead to our grandmother telling us that it was all a dream or she had made it up.

This year, our grandmother hasn’t spoken at all. In february, she just stopped. The doctor believes it to be the onset of Alzheimer's. Since her diagnosis, it began to get odd. Adeline had brought home a stray cat. The cat had been severely injured in the upper face. It’s teeth were visible, even, with her mouth closed and her eyes were missing. I swore it had been cursed. At night, even after closing my door. I would find the cat sitting at the end of my bed staring at me, with no eyes. I had finally had too much when I kicked her off of my bed. The next morning I swore to take her to a shelter when we found that she had disappeared.

As I lay in bed, I keep smelling a horrid smell, but something interrupts that thought. Adeline, across the hall, is trying to decipher what grandmother had written down for her. Adeline, yells out ”Halloween”. Running into my doorway and with a breath she says “I asked her what the Skudakumooch had whispered and she wrote Halloween Night”. As mother entered the room and demanded we get back to bed. Unable to speak, mother shuffled Adeline to her room. I lay back and pull the covers close. Tonight is halloween.

Sunday, October 14

PROJECT STARGATE - (Featuring links to CIA documents)

 Hello, and welcome back to Force Vibes. If you're a new reader and are new at blogging. I recommend scrolling to the bottom of our page and begin with the Article " The Observer Effect". If you aren't familiar with quantum physics, neuroscience or spiritual philosophy. It may be helpful to review the initial few articles to understand the main idea of this post. You may realize that all of these properties, in reference to the nature of reality, mentioned, thus far, are relative to the Universal Consciousness. I have a very interesting discussion for you today, this will likely be a lengthy one. So stick around, and share your' thoughts.

So, what if the Universal Web of Consciousness actually exists? What if, as an individual, you are a part of this web, perpetually connected to all beings and information in the wonders of the Universe? If this is the case, what are the implications? To some, this may, solely, impact the spiritual aspect of their' lives and it may help to live a negative-energy free life. To others, spiritualism would be the least of the value that the Universal Consciousness has to offer. The truth is that this knowledge can be very powerful in negative or positive ways. The real questions are, what are your' intentions? and how much of an effect on this web can you have.

 Large social-networks, such as, major religious organizations, the media, Wall Street and other large social-networks. Everyone is a part of this system and you personally have a real effect, with your' thoughts and intentions. The larger and more powerful the group, the larger the ripples of effects on the mass consciousness.What I am referring to as the “ripple effect” that these organizations have on the Universal Consciousness is just one aspect of the impact that they may have on them. Imagine being a part of a large organization or religion. More specifically, imagine being a highly-advanced organization. Maybe an organization that functions on a need-to-know basis. Meaning that you may be working within a classified project and have a high clearance. But any knowledge that does not pertain to your' specific area of operation will never be disclosed to you. Even if that knowledge would speed up your' work. This need-to-know principle is how our U.S. Government functions on all levels. Especially in black projects and secret organizations such as the CIA.

The knowledge of a Universal Consciousness and access to all information or even the power of creation. As well as having access to state-of-the-art technology can have some powerful connotations. I believe that a mixture of these highly advanced government organizations, the media and other large social-networks, on a global scale, are some major creative forces within our present reality. But what else does, access to the enlightenment of a Universal Consciousness provide?

We know that our intentions and agendas have creative effects. But what can we as Human Beings do, with our continuity to this web. Is this where clairvoyance originates or even hypnosis? How about Telepathy or mind reading. Are these phenomena possible due to our connection with this web? That's not possible though, right? None of those things, actually, happen in real life. They are crazy people or people trying to make a dollar, right? For many decades, and, to a degree, even today a large portion of our society remained very skeptical in regards to this phenomena, understandably so. Although, today there are just as many people who claim to have witnessed or possess these powers and there seems to be sufficient evidence in support of these claims.

Still, these claims aren't "mainstream" or conventional right? No significant scientific or government experiments have been conducted on phenomena such as this. To invest a vast amount of resources into these ideals would be nonsense. Well, sometimes, if you can find the closet, the skeletons may have the answers to all of your', haunting, questions.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) generally provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information except to the extent the records are protected from disclosure by any of nine exemptions contained in the law or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. With this law many CIA documents are available online. Although, there are thousands upon thousands of file in any given project or operation. So there's a lot of meat to it and I will provide a link so you can explore the FOIA Library yourself.

What I want to focus on is, referred to as, Project Stargate. Conducted by the the United States Army and the CIA. It supposedly began in 1978 and possibly earlier. Rumor has it, that they really got their start in 1990. The existence of this project is inevitable and their focus is quite compelling.  “Project Stargate” was established for the investigation into the potential for psychic phenomena in military as well as domestic intelligence applications. In fact, they had much success in certain aspects of their research. For example, Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psychic ability. It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. In other words, procedures have been developed to utilize these psychic abilities for intelligence gathering. Using Remote Viewing, they can theoretically access any time or place in the universe when given a target. At Fort Meade in Maryland, 1978. A secret U.S Army unit was developed by the Defense Intelligence Agency and SRI International where Project Stargate was supposedly born. Training procedures and classes were developed.
 I have posted several links below to CIA documents revealing these operations and their success. It is well known that these operations continue and possibly have been expanded. A well-known Author Paul H. Smith (Former Military Intelligence Officer), founded many of the Remote Viewing training processes. He authored interesting titles, such as, " Reading the Enemy's Mind" and " The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing". I have posted a link to a CIA document, "Suggested Remote Viewing Training Procedure". This document reveals some of Paul's procedures.

Although, as we know today, mass surveillance through advanced technologies is certainly happening. Today, this is known to the public and sort of reluctantly ignored. Remote Viewing provides these organizations with a power far greater than any technologies known to man, given the techniques are perfected or enhanced. We have to understand that we live in a very connected reality and privacy is an illusion. However if we practice spiritual protection and create blockers to this kind of surveillance we may have hope to make privacy possible, if it is important to the individual. We can block or distort information from being retrieved. Remember, we are the creators we control our reality.

I can provide more information on the government's research on the Human electromagnetic field. Science is beginning to correlate with many spiritual principles. I will elaborate on these principles and study how ancient civilizations used the Universal Consciousness to connect to source and unlock spiritual forces. Thank you for stopping by. Check out these documents and leave a comment. Please share Force Vibes with friends or introspective family members. Sending you all good vibes, piece out.

LINKS BELOW: - Stargate Operational User Interview - CIA-DIA transfer Meeting. - A SUGGESTED REMOTE VEIWING TRAINING PROCEDURE. - Check out these Files. - Task Force Developed - Mission Statement Enclosed. - Veiwer Identifys Vietnam Memorial. - Isreali Target - Remote Viewer Analysis. - Project Sunstreak. - Evaluation Sheet. (Scroll To Bottom)

Saturday, October 13

Today, Is going to be a good day!

 You’re eyes are closed and you’re laying in bed, but you can't seem to sleep. So you, roll onto your' left. Then onto your' right and the thought "Why can't I just fall asleep?" lingers at the forefront of your' mind. You’re staring at the clock, it says 3:30 a.m as you finally begin to drift. Suddenly, piercing your' ears, your' alarm now says 6:30 a.m. and it's time begin your' day. In a daze, you hit snooze. But receive a repeat of the traumatic awakening fifteen minutes later when the, merciless, alarm clock begins again . You know that it doesn't give up. So, you reluctantly sit up with a short stretch and moan while thinking "why do I have to work, make money or have to survive?" You stand dragging your' left foot forward a few inches. In a sudden, burst of awareness, a girly shriek is expelled from your' voice box as your pinky toe nerves send a, significant, electrical current to your' brain's pain receptors. You begin to curse, jumping up and down on your' good foot while clenching your' injured limb with both hands. You already know how your' day will be. You struggle to find the keys. Next you get stuck in traffic, which makes you curse more and get more angry. You realize that you are late for work as your' boss is calling your' phone. You’re trying to call back when you look up to see the stop sign, but it's too late.

Everyone can empathize with this story to an extent. In fact, it's very plausible that much of this story has happened to you. Your' story may have went very differently though. After stubbing your' toe, you may have sat down. Taking a deep breath and focusing on what you need to do, this gets your' mind off of the pain. Then you realize traffic is bad, but you calmly notice that the bypass was finished yesterday and now you could take a short-cut. You make it to work early and you didn't total your car either.

To a degree, I believe that most adults are aware that learning to control your' mindset or your' thoughts and emotions can have a paramount impact on your' experience. Of course we understand that if you intend to achieve something, this agenda will impact your' thoughts, in which impact your' emotions. Many, self-help guru's and spiritualists refer to this phenomena as "The Law of Attraction". Developing techniques and strategies to help you to achieve your’ intentions. For example, Ten-Step self help guides do not give enough focus and knowledge. Though, many times, I will see these guru's developing complex, high stress, requirements. This is a contradiction to me as well as setting your' intentions on the finance aspects. This will only lead to your' creation becoming based on finances and not on serving the people who seek your' help. I say many and yet I am not willing to drop any names. I don't necessarily feel these individuals are bad people or are predators. They are just lost in their' intentions and it is not my business to discredit anyone publicly who hasn't been negative towards me. This phenomena is something I feel important enough to exploit in light of this.

 Although I do agree with many of the fundamentals of many spiritualist's theories.Such as, Visualization. Taking a few moments a day to close your' eyes, focus and visualize on where you want to be and seeing yourself there. I do not believe that you need to have a guru to understand how to focus your' energy. There is no easy way, no one can enlighten you for you. I feel that it is merely a matter of knowledge and the drive to harness that knowledge for yourself. Although a guru is not for me, and I don't feel these services are necessary, if it works for you then it works for you. We create our own journey. I am no one to say that what you believe is not real, true or right. I am not saying that your' religion is a figment of your' imagination. I believe that much of the content, in many versions of the Christian Bible, the Quran, and many more scriptures are conveying true stories and real events. The millions or billions of believers are not just simply imagining miracle healings and miraculous events. They bring truth to the spiritual aspect, because they are spiritual creator beings believing and intending on something. Much like when we see a small human lift a car to save a child, this intent and emotion creates. When it comes to scriptures and text I tend to lean heavily on the ancient Vedic texts of the Hindu cultures. Also the sumerian tablets, although, I understand. Just as man has done with all scripture. The content has been interpreted with many differing perceptions. This is why I do focus much on tangible evidence and science. The rest is my own intuition and my personal logic. I am well aware my logic differs from millions and these perceptions are just as valuable to me as my own. What I am conveying is, simply, my perception and one point of reference out of billions. It is conversation and connection that I seek. With all individuals, no matter your' status or statistics.

Clite as it may, we are energy beings. Beings of light energy, each vibrating on a specific resonant vibrational frequency. Our very atoms are in a constant state of motion. Fluid and electromagnetic, your' atoms are attractive. Your' metabolism, nervous system sensitivity, heart-rate all has an effect on the intensity of your' electromagnetic field. In which would, in theory, have an effect on the continuity of said field. In other words, these variables, acting like a wifi booster, would determine how aware or connected to the Universal Consciousness an individual would be.

 Our intentions drive our thoughts.Your' thoughts are constantly being processed into emotional energy. Emotions are a powerful thing. If you're very connected to this web of energy, then you are extremely sensitive to environmental, energetic, influences. For example, when you walk into a room that someone was just fighting in. You can feel a tense vibe. Or if you're riding in a vehicle with a road raging maniac. The ride can be very stressful. We also harbor energies, many times through conscious thought, by dwelling on situations like a crazed car ride. We can often walk away from traumatic experiences with severe anxiety.

We then store these thoughts, within our subconscious, and they are processed into energy . Meaning that this subconscious download of the experience is stored as well as the emotions. We see severe cases of this in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As we know to be derivative of various circumstances.

 This storage of past data is harbored within your' mind, along with current energetic influences, from others and your' environment. This mixture of data is electro-magnetically, driving your' consciousness through the vibrational frequency channels of possibilities. Meaning that, whatever, vibes you are putting out into the universe. The universe will give them right back. Whether it be Love, Happiness, Success, Victory, Hate, Guilt, Resentment or even a mixture of emotions. It is what you are asking for, so it is what you will find. In the forms of people, places, things situations and many other forms.

Thank you, for your' support. I really hope to hear from some readers as to your' thoughts and feelings on this. Also, I kindly ask that you share the blog, I don't have much in the way of getting my writing out. I solely rely on my readers and social networking. Thank you and I love you all. Sending you all good vibes.

Wednesday, October 10

Sieze The Moment!

   Linear Time creates a paradigm, in which people have been experiencing for thousands of years. We have discussed the true nature of time in "What Time Is It Really?". Where I explained that linear time as we know it, is a construction of the, logistical, human mind. Mankind has been living within this paradigm for thousands of years. Could you imagine anything else. A reality, where there is no beginning or end. The past, present and future existing at the same time. Now Imagine a picture of the Mayan calendar and wonder on that for a moment.

As you may already know, the theory of a block-universe has been around for a long time. Many, notable, scientists including Einstein, Hawking and Feynman conveyed the fabric of time as existing interwoven with space. This is called SpaceTime. Within SpaceTime the past, present and future exist simultaneously.

 Eternalism (philosophy of time), is a philosophical look at the ontological nature of time. In other words, it explains, what is the essence of time? Eternalism depicts time as being as real as a place. This philosophy is parallel to the theory of SpaceTime.

  If you combine the philosophy of Eternalism with the theory of SpaceTime, you can almost begin to imagine existence is happening as a whole. And at the same time. Everything that has happened is happening now. Everything that is going to happen in the future, is happening right now. All existing in one indefinite moment.

So, what does this mean about our existence and the nature of our reality. If all of existence is existing simultaneously. Some may think that this implies that our future is set in stone. That we have no control of our destiny. I beg to differ. I believe that it is much more complex than that. We are still the creators of our own journey and I will explain this further in tomorrow's post. Today our goal is to grasp the realization of the oneness and timelessness of our reality.

The Universal Consciousness theory defines all matter and all consciousness as one entity. SpaceTime theory reveals that time and space are one entity. So I speculate, that SpaceTime and the Universal Consciousness are also interwoven as one entity. Personally, I call this Creation. Because I do believe that, while it is one, it is also a constant process of creation. Now, let us realize that we are stepping into a realm of speculation and my  personal opinions. Also, I will elaborate on these subjects as ForceVibes progresses.

 So, with the realization that Creation is entirely connected as one entity, a single system. Some believe that consciousness is derivative of matter. Contrary to that theory, I believe that all matter and consciousness are one. Objects, people and places being a physical representation of consciousness, created by thought and intent. Although this thought and intent would be on a much higher dimensional level or vibrational frequency than human awareness. It functions much the same. I believe that consciousness, matter and the elements are all spiritual forces or frequencies that are this consciousness. Consciousness projects these  frequencies in whatever form necessary for the intended function or purpose. While I don’t think that all objects or beings have creative properties. I feel that the higher the resonant vibrational frequency, the higher the energy level and the higher the awareness. A higher awareness, and energy level, the more of an impact on creation.

  I will explain much more on this subject and “The Law of Attraction” as well as “Karma”. But for now I will just say, that I absolutely believe in these concepts. I believe that as an individual, your thoughts, intent and emotions have a significant impact on your’ experience. Positive intents and thoughts equal positive outcomes and experiences. Same with any negative energy you release. It will come right back to you. And just as an individual, I believe that if the masses are releasing negative energies, then the masses will experience negative energies.
 I want to make it clear that I understand that much of this is speculation. If you stay tuned you will realize that as creators of our own reality, this means that all religions and belief systems are as good and right as you believe them to be.

 I digress, I want to get back to the main Idea, and finish this post, elaborating on our oneness. I have did much speculation, so let me speculate further and say that this may be one system that is part of a much larger system. We often see this pattern within our universe. Systems within systems, organisms within organisms. For example, a group of solar systems equals a galaxy, a group of cells develops an organ, a group of organs creates a human, a group of humans makes a social network, and so on. I think you get the point. So these patterns really stand out. This makes it very plausible that our universe is one organism inside of another. This is where we get into other dimensions and universes. I personally think that all of these realms are existing simultaneously. Each vibrating at its own resonant frequency much like a radio station. This leads to so many questions. Many that I may never get to, but I will do my best.

Tomorrow, I will focus on oneness and how we are creating our own experiences. How our thoughts, intents and emotions create our ,individual, physical experiences. Thank you for stopping by. Please comment and share.,%20Eternalism%20and%20Relativity%20Physics.pdf