Saturday, October 13

Today, Is going to be a good day!

 You’re eyes are closed and you’re laying in bed, but you can't seem to sleep. So you, roll onto your' left. Then onto your' right and the thought "Why can't I just fall asleep?" lingers at the forefront of your' mind. You’re staring at the clock, it says 3:30 a.m as you finally begin to drift. Suddenly, piercing your' ears, your' alarm now says 6:30 a.m. and it's time begin your' day. In a daze, you hit snooze. But receive a repeat of the traumatic awakening fifteen minutes later when the, merciless, alarm clock begins again . You know that it doesn't give up. So, you reluctantly sit up with a short stretch and moan while thinking "why do I have to work, make money or have to survive?" You stand dragging your' left foot forward a few inches. In a sudden, burst of awareness, a girly shriek is expelled from your' voice box as your pinky toe nerves send a, significant, electrical current to your' brain's pain receptors. You begin to curse, jumping up and down on your' good foot while clenching your' injured limb with both hands. You already know how your' day will be. You struggle to find the keys. Next you get stuck in traffic, which makes you curse more and get more angry. You realize that you are late for work as your' boss is calling your' phone. You’re trying to call back when you look up to see the stop sign, but it's too late.

Everyone can empathize with this story to an extent. In fact, it's very plausible that much of this story has happened to you. Your' story may have went very differently though. After stubbing your' toe, you may have sat down. Taking a deep breath and focusing on what you need to do, this gets your' mind off of the pain. Then you realize traffic is bad, but you calmly notice that the bypass was finished yesterday and now you could take a short-cut. You make it to work early and you didn't total your car either.

To a degree, I believe that most adults are aware that learning to control your' mindset or your' thoughts and emotions can have a paramount impact on your' experience. Of course we understand that if you intend to achieve something, this agenda will impact your' thoughts, in which impact your' emotions. Many, self-help guru's and spiritualists refer to this phenomena as "The Law of Attraction". Developing techniques and strategies to help you to achieve your’ intentions. For example, Ten-Step self help guides do not give enough focus and knowledge. Though, many times, I will see these guru's developing complex, high stress, requirements. This is a contradiction to me as well as setting your' intentions on the finance aspects. This will only lead to your' creation becoming based on finances and not on serving the people who seek your' help. I say many and yet I am not willing to drop any names. I don't necessarily feel these individuals are bad people or are predators. They are just lost in their' intentions and it is not my business to discredit anyone publicly who hasn't been negative towards me. This phenomena is something I feel important enough to exploit in light of this.

 Although I do agree with many of the fundamentals of many spiritualist's theories.Such as, Visualization. Taking a few moments a day to close your' eyes, focus and visualize on where you want to be and seeing yourself there. I do not believe that you need to have a guru to understand how to focus your' energy. There is no easy way, no one can enlighten you for you. I feel that it is merely a matter of knowledge and the drive to harness that knowledge for yourself. Although a guru is not for me, and I don't feel these services are necessary, if it works for you then it works for you. We create our own journey. I am no one to say that what you believe is not real, true or right. I am not saying that your' religion is a figment of your' imagination. I believe that much of the content, in many versions of the Christian Bible, the Quran, and many more scriptures are conveying true stories and real events. The millions or billions of believers are not just simply imagining miracle healings and miraculous events. They bring truth to the spiritual aspect, because they are spiritual creator beings believing and intending on something. Much like when we see a small human lift a car to save a child, this intent and emotion creates. When it comes to scriptures and text I tend to lean heavily on the ancient Vedic texts of the Hindu cultures. Also the sumerian tablets, although, I understand. Just as man has done with all scripture. The content has been interpreted with many differing perceptions. This is why I do focus much on tangible evidence and science. The rest is my own intuition and my personal logic. I am well aware my logic differs from millions and these perceptions are just as valuable to me as my own. What I am conveying is, simply, my perception and one point of reference out of billions. It is conversation and connection that I seek. With all individuals, no matter your' status or statistics.

Clite as it may, we are energy beings. Beings of light energy, each vibrating on a specific resonant vibrational frequency. Our very atoms are in a constant state of motion. Fluid and electromagnetic, your' atoms are attractive. Your' metabolism, nervous system sensitivity, heart-rate all has an effect on the intensity of your' electromagnetic field. In which would, in theory, have an effect on the continuity of said field. In other words, these variables, acting like a wifi booster, would determine how aware or connected to the Universal Consciousness an individual would be.

 Our intentions drive our thoughts.Your' thoughts are constantly being processed into emotional energy. Emotions are a powerful thing. If you're very connected to this web of energy, then you are extremely sensitive to environmental, energetic, influences. For example, when you walk into a room that someone was just fighting in. You can feel a tense vibe. Or if you're riding in a vehicle with a road raging maniac. The ride can be very stressful. We also harbor energies, many times through conscious thought, by dwelling on situations like a crazed car ride. We can often walk away from traumatic experiences with severe anxiety.

We then store these thoughts, within our subconscious, and they are processed into energy . Meaning that this subconscious download of the experience is stored as well as the emotions. We see severe cases of this in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As we know to be derivative of various circumstances.

 This storage of past data is harbored within your' mind, along with current energetic influences, from others and your' environment. This mixture of data is electro-magnetically, driving your' consciousness through the vibrational frequency channels of possibilities. Meaning that, whatever, vibes you are putting out into the universe. The universe will give them right back. Whether it be Love, Happiness, Success, Victory, Hate, Guilt, Resentment or even a mixture of emotions. It is what you are asking for, so it is what you will find. In the forms of people, places, things situations and many other forms.

Thank you, for your' support. I really hope to hear from some readers as to your' thoughts and feelings on this. Also, I kindly ask that you share the blog, I don't have much in the way of getting my writing out. I solely rely on my readers and social networking. Thank you and I love you all. Sending you all good vibes.

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