Sunday, October 14

PROJECT STARGATE - (Featuring links to CIA documents)

 Hello, and welcome back to Force Vibes. If you're a new reader and are new at blogging. I recommend scrolling to the bottom of our page and begin with the Article " The Observer Effect". If you aren't familiar with quantum physics, neuroscience or spiritual philosophy. It may be helpful to review the initial few articles to understand the main idea of this post. You may realize that all of these properties, in reference to the nature of reality, mentioned, thus far, are relative to the Universal Consciousness. I have a very interesting discussion for you today, this will likely be a lengthy one. So stick around, and share your' thoughts.

So, what if the Universal Web of Consciousness actually exists? What if, as an individual, you are a part of this web, perpetually connected to all beings and information in the wonders of the Universe? If this is the case, what are the implications? To some, this may, solely, impact the spiritual aspect of their' lives and it may help to live a negative-energy free life. To others, spiritualism would be the least of the value that the Universal Consciousness has to offer. The truth is that this knowledge can be very powerful in negative or positive ways. The real questions are, what are your' intentions? and how much of an effect on this web can you have.

 Large social-networks, such as, major religious organizations, the media, Wall Street and other large social-networks. Everyone is a part of this system and you personally have a real effect, with your' thoughts and intentions. The larger and more powerful the group, the larger the ripples of effects on the mass consciousness.What I am referring to as the “ripple effect” that these organizations have on the Universal Consciousness is just one aspect of the impact that they may have on them. Imagine being a part of a large organization or religion. More specifically, imagine being a highly-advanced organization. Maybe an organization that functions on a need-to-know basis. Meaning that you may be working within a classified project and have a high clearance. But any knowledge that does not pertain to your' specific area of operation will never be disclosed to you. Even if that knowledge would speed up your' work. This need-to-know principle is how our U.S. Government functions on all levels. Especially in black projects and secret organizations such as the CIA.

The knowledge of a Universal Consciousness and access to all information or even the power of creation. As well as having access to state-of-the-art technology can have some powerful connotations. I believe that a mixture of these highly advanced government organizations, the media and other large social-networks, on a global scale, are some major creative forces within our present reality. But what else does, access to the enlightenment of a Universal Consciousness provide?

We know that our intentions and agendas have creative effects. But what can we as Human Beings do, with our continuity to this web. Is this where clairvoyance originates or even hypnosis? How about Telepathy or mind reading. Are these phenomena possible due to our connection with this web? That's not possible though, right? None of those things, actually, happen in real life. They are crazy people or people trying to make a dollar, right? For many decades, and, to a degree, even today a large portion of our society remained very skeptical in regards to this phenomena, understandably so. Although, today there are just as many people who claim to have witnessed or possess these powers and there seems to be sufficient evidence in support of these claims.

Still, these claims aren't "mainstream" or conventional right? No significant scientific or government experiments have been conducted on phenomena such as this. To invest a vast amount of resources into these ideals would be nonsense. Well, sometimes, if you can find the closet, the skeletons may have the answers to all of your', haunting, questions.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) generally provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information except to the extent the records are protected from disclosure by any of nine exemptions contained in the law or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. With this law many CIA documents are available online. Although, there are thousands upon thousands of file in any given project or operation. So there's a lot of meat to it and I will provide a link so you can explore the FOIA Library yourself.

What I want to focus on is, referred to as, Project Stargate. Conducted by the the United States Army and the CIA. It supposedly began in 1978 and possibly earlier. Rumor has it, that they really got their start in 1990. The existence of this project is inevitable and their focus is quite compelling.  “Project Stargate” was established for the investigation into the potential for psychic phenomena in military as well as domestic intelligence applications. In fact, they had much success in certain aspects of their research. For example, Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psychic ability. It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. In other words, procedures have been developed to utilize these psychic abilities for intelligence gathering. Using Remote Viewing, they can theoretically access any time or place in the universe when given a target. At Fort Meade in Maryland, 1978. A secret U.S Army unit was developed by the Defense Intelligence Agency and SRI International where Project Stargate was supposedly born. Training procedures and classes were developed.
 I have posted several links below to CIA documents revealing these operations and their success. It is well known that these operations continue and possibly have been expanded. A well-known Author Paul H. Smith (Former Military Intelligence Officer), founded many of the Remote Viewing training processes. He authored interesting titles, such as, " Reading the Enemy's Mind" and " The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing". I have posted a link to a CIA document, "Suggested Remote Viewing Training Procedure". This document reveals some of Paul's procedures.

Although, as we know today, mass surveillance through advanced technologies is certainly happening. Today, this is known to the public and sort of reluctantly ignored. Remote Viewing provides these organizations with a power far greater than any technologies known to man, given the techniques are perfected or enhanced. We have to understand that we live in a very connected reality and privacy is an illusion. However if we practice spiritual protection and create blockers to this kind of surveillance we may have hope to make privacy possible, if it is important to the individual. We can block or distort information from being retrieved. Remember, we are the creators we control our reality.

I can provide more information on the government's research on the Human electromagnetic field. Science is beginning to correlate with many spiritual principles. I will elaborate on these principles and study how ancient civilizations used the Universal Consciousness to connect to source and unlock spiritual forces. Thank you for stopping by. Check out these documents and leave a comment. Please share Force Vibes with friends or introspective family members. Sending you all good vibes, piece out.

LINKS BELOW: - Stargate Operational User Interview - CIA-DIA transfer Meeting. - A SUGGESTED REMOTE VEIWING TRAINING PROCEDURE. - Check out these Files. - Task Force Developed - Mission Statement Enclosed. - Veiwer Identifys Vietnam Memorial. - Isreali Target - Remote Viewer Analysis. - Project Sunstreak. - Evaluation Sheet. (Scroll To Bottom)

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